I realize it's been about a month since my last post.... basically, working full time takes a lot out of you. I really don't know if I'll continue this blog on it's schedule. But I want to still do my LDR updates every once in awhile. I don't have anything musically relevant for today. I'm sorry for the let downs guys (that is, the people who actually read my blog) :P
As for life, just a lot of working. About 40-60 hours a week, I've got $650 saved for an apartment and the same amount saved for my Ohio trip whenever that will be... (date got pushed again. :/) but her and I are are stronger than ever. (Will post more details eventually) I am currently house sitting for my grandparents for about a month so it's like having my own place which is cool.... I just know it'll get a bit lonely some nights. I'll be wishing for her to be here and she can't... it sucks. T_T
Anyways, that's about what has gone on lately. I'll try to post more frequently but no promises. Just keep checking in, I don't plan on getting rid of my blog completely. :P