Skateboarding, Long Distance Relationship, Music, and other randomness

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

LDR Tuesday: A real positive view. :)

So at work today, I had mentioned to my coworker Charlie that my girlfriend lives on Ohio. Much to my surprise, he was very interested in it and started asking all sorts of questions. "How'd you meet?" "How long have you been together?" And other questions. I told him our story and he listened with respect and it made me really happy that somebody was so interested. I explained to him in the short version of what her and I went through and he was telling me how amazing it is what we have. He explained how it's amazing that two people can have a connection that carries that sort of distance and time frame. It really hit close to home for someone, who had never been in a long distance relationship to say something like that. It felt great. I had this pre-existing notion that nobody and I mean NOBODY could understand an LDR if you've never been in one. But he made some good points.

I wished that all people could have that mentality, we get such a bad rap for being in LDR's but when you have such strong feelings for a person, the time and distance doesn't matter. Love is love....feelings are the same no matter where you are because everyone's heart beats the same. LDR's show the true magic of love because it shows that love can carry across miles upon miles of distance and make you feel closer to that person than anything ever before. If you can trust somebody that far away from you, not being able to see what they're doing.... that's beyond special. It also shows how special a simple phone call, text, message, or Skype date is. You cherish every tiny moment you spend talking to them. You cherish each talk you have even if it's about nothing. Most relationships, you'd get tired of talking to them every day but for me, getting to talk to her every day makes me complete. It's hard to go a day without talking to her. I cherish each and every conversation, memory, funny time we had, or "nothing" conversations. :)

There's so many more reasons to appreciate the fact of a LDR than to shun it down. There's so much more passion within the realtionship because you don't rely on looks, hugs, kisses, and touches; you rely on conversation and personality; passion and love; honesty and hope; serious moments and moments where you  laugh together and make the best of each moment. You can have a relationship that goes many miles, it just takes patience and effort and anybody willing to give that to another person is somebody well worth keeping.

That's why I love you Maria (since I know you're reading this. :P) Because you strive hard to keep us strong as I do too. You love me for all that I am and despite this distance between us. You allow me to be myself without fear of judging, without fear of not being what you want. You allow me to not only love you as my girlfriend, but also as my best friend. My best friend who I can share every inner most feeling with, every desire, and anything else with you.  Thanks for giving so much of yourself as I have with you. I love you.

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