Skateboarding, Long Distance Relationship, Music, and other randomness

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

LDR Tuesday: UPDATES! :D

So much has happened within our relationship the past few weeks. First off, we've argued a substantial amount less after a big argument we had. Things are really smooth for us. :)

A big thing that happened is the fact that because of my new job, I can easily save for the trip to go see her now! It's MOST likely going to happen and I can't even contain my excitement! We don't have a set date yet but we're HOPING for August. I'll be staying in a hotel (due to parental issues :/) but she'll have her license and we'll go do lots of fun things together. We'll probably go to a little ice-cream shop called Softies, take walks, star gaze, and who knows what else? :)

Also, we'll get to start video chatting again on May 11th and I am ecstatic for that because I miss her gorgeous eyes and smile.

We've had a lot of serious talks about the future lately and I think what's going to happen is she'll be moving in with me sometime after August.... no idear how long or anything but that's our hopes. I can't wait to start living a life with her because this distance is really getting on my nerves. :P

Lastly, out 10 months are this Saturday and our ONE YEAR on June 13th. I simply can't believe it, that seem like such a short time ago, I told her I loved her and here we are a year later and my love for her has only grown. :)

This relationship still to this day means everything to me and it always will.... I love how this is the one thing in my life that will forever be there.... I KNOW it with all my heart.

Anyways, that's LDR Tuesday for this week, lots of updates, lots of happiness, and lots of love. :)

Til next week....

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