Skateboarding, Long Distance Relationship, Music, and other randomness

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

LDR Tuesday: Small Update? Future plans.

There's really not much going on to discuss at the moment.... not like that's a bad thing because our relationship is definitely amazing as always. We just haven't had anything "new" happen I guess?

We were however, talking about seeing eachother. As you all may know, I'm intending on going to her prom in May. I start my second job today so I can actually get the ball rolling on saving for it AND I got my taxes filed so I should receive my tax money shortly which is in the neighborhood of $347.... all of which will be going towards my trip to Ohio. We were also talking about how maybe after she graduates, she might fly over here too. I REALLY hope that happens because there's so many things I want to do with her here. There's this butte that overlooks Eugene, OR which is about 20 minutes away from me. My hopes are taking her up there during a nice summer night to see the city lights. Also, being that she doesn't get to enjoy the beach... I would like to take her to the Oregon coast. It's quite beautiful during the summer. I'd like to take a walk on the warm beach, visit tidepools, show her Old-Town Florence, and just relax on the beach together in total peace. I'd like to show her my hometown where I live now and maybe go to the lake which is about a 5-10 min. drive from my house. (Veneta, OR) All these things sound amazing, and I'm hoping everything pans out according to planned. :)

Atop Skinner Butte at night

Oregon Coast Aquarium.... another place I'd like to take her. It's
pretty awesome.

Florence, OR Old Town. Been here a million times and I still love it.

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