Skateboarding, Long Distance Relationship, Music, and other randomness

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Skateboarding Monday: Things I hope to accomplish... (Tips would be appreciated)

There's so much I have yet to learn in skateboarding that I really wish to get down.... I'm basically just going to list each thing and if anyone could give me tips on how to get over the fear or difficulty, PLEASE let me know. Thanks. And btw.... the picture that are include, I am putting the description of the trick for people who just may not know what they are? (*cough* my girlfriend *cough cough* since she likes to look at my blog. :P) No but seriously, anybody else who doesn't know... it'll be helpful for.

Flip Tricks:

1. Tré (360) Flips

It's such a cool trick. Don't know how to describe it.

2. Inward Heelflips

3. Nollie Flip tricks

4. Hospital Flips (Those are just ridiculously cool)

A good sequence to break it down.
5. Late Flips


1. Smith Grind
Close up. Depending on if you're goofy or regular footed, it's where your back truck is on the rail and your nose is pointed down and in front of you.

2. 5-0
Just a straightforward gring with your nose lifted up.

3. Feeble
Same as smith except your nose is on top of the thing you are grinding and behind you.
4. Blunt slide
Where your nose is pointed toward the sky and your wheels slide across the surface.... difficult trick.
5. Being able to grind flat bars and handrails.
Boardslide on a handrail

1. Blunt to fakie

2. Rock to fakies on about a 5-6 ft. quarter. (I can do them on smaller quarters. 3-4 feet is about the tallest I've done)
Where you bring the middle of your board to the edge of the ramp and rock your nose forward until your wheels tap the flat top and then rock backwards back in.
  3. The grinds listed above on a quarter's coping.


1. Any flip trick off a ledge (Only have ollies and weird tech tricks)

2. Manny Pads (I can get them sometimes but I want it on lock)
A balancing trick. Where your tail (or nose) can't touch the ground or your front or back wheels
3. Sketchy things, like weird ledges, slopes, stair sets, rails.

4. Handrails.

Tech Tricks:

1. Flamingos (Used to land them but then I lost them)
Pretty self-explanatory trick. Looks like a flamingo. Much easier to get into than out of.
2. Mike V., Rodney Mullen, and William Spencer style tricks.

3. Primo flips and getting INTO primo.

That's essentially everything. If you have any tips on how to succeed on any of this... PLEASE let me know... I'd appreciate it. :)

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