Skateboarding, Long Distance Relationship, Music, and other randomness

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

LDR Tuesday: Just a small, happier update from last week. :)

So I was pretty busy today and that's why I'm writing this post at like 3 a.m.

Basically, since her phone is taken away again. We still proceed to talk through email until we can get our phone privileges back. Come to find out.... that'll be on the 13th of February which so happens to be out 8 months. :) Her dad is being a lot more understanding about everything. I can't thank him enough. He even knows we're emailing because he knows we'd do anything to talk to eachother. It's his way of making sure we are honest.... and we are. We just like to talk everyday because it's so easy for us to miss eachother. I just know that I can't wait to hear her voice again. I haven't heard it in a long time and I really miss hearing her say she loves me. I think after then, things will be back to normal for us again, like back when our relationship was just beginning. Now that her mom and step-dad are back in Georgia, a lot less drama will be displaced. Not that I don't respect them, because I really do.... I just feel that they aren't letting her make some of her decisions. I could see if I was a bad guy for her, but I'm really not. I treat her with utmost respect and love, I am ANTI drug and alcohol, I have a steady job, a car, and am goal oriented. Isn't that the kind of stuff parents want in their daughter's boyfriend?

Anyways, I got on a bit of a rant there. Sorry... :P

With V-day coming up, I may do something for Maria if the funds permit. If so, I'll do a post about it. I'll continue with the updates. I love being able to share our amazing story to the world. I hope you stick with it. Questions? Comments? (If anybody actually reads this...)


  1. I was just listening to some music on YouTube today, when I saw a comment of yours saying something about your 'long distance relationship' with a girl called Maria. I found it interesting so I went to your channel and found a small blog about your relationship with Maria.

    Your situation really touched me. I understand how hard it is to have a long distance relationship with someone that you used to see everyday.

    2 years ago I met this girl called Andrea (by the way, I'm from Guatemala). We got to know each other very well and started dating. By March of 2011 she was my girlfriend. I used to visit her 3 to 4 times a week. We really had a very strong and happy relationship until October of last year..(I say 'until' not because after that it wasn't all right, but it was different). On October of last year the company where his dad worked, told him he was going to be transferred to Spain (Holy cow's, right?). When she told me that, I honestly thought everything was falling apart, and I wouldn't be able to live without her.
    On November 3rd, I took her to the airport..(Trust me, I couldn't stop feeling sad, empty. I just felt really, really bad) When we got off the car to say each other 'Good bye', it was just the hardest moment in my life. I never thought something like that was going to happen. Honestly, I've never cried as I did that day, not even for my Grandma (R.I.P), I felt a huge emptiness in my inside, I was still going to see her on Skype though. But still, it was just so hard saying Good bye to the person I love the most in this world, and not knowing when I was going to see her again.

    When she was on the plane, we were Skipping; I wanted to be with her until the last second. When the pilot said "Please turn your cell-phones off", it was just whoa so damn hard..
    I told her I loved her soooo sooo freaking much, and that I would do anything to be with her, no matter what. She replied the same, crying.

    1. Oh wow. That means a lot man. Like hugely. I've been trying to find supporters and followers for my story. Although, I haven't officially been with her IN PERSON yet, but I'm hoping to within the nest few months.

      That sounds really hard. I would definitely feel empty too. Once you find that one person who makes you happy no matter what, you can't imagine a life without them... that life will always have something missing.

      Did you guys work out in the end or are you still together or what?

  2. From my country to Spain, it's about 13 hours of flight. So, the next day she sent me an inbox, saying she just arrived, and that she couldn't stop crying, that she missed me more than anything. She said it's been 1 day since she last see me, but she felt like it's been forever.

    To make this story short, we kept on online chatting and skipping, for about one month and two weeks, after that, my whole life just 'Poof', fell to the ground.
    On December 17th, I called her to ask her how was she feeling, if something happened to her, because she had been acting weird for about 3 days. So I called her and told her what I wrote before, and she replied: "There's nothing wrong with me, it's just that it's hard for me not being able to talk to you like we used to before". I told her that she was acting weird, because 1 week before she was all-day crying for me, and after she got into school in Spain, she was different; she was not the girl I fell in love with. She replied: "I just can't be the girl you want anymore, I don’t I've changed, at all. You can't make me changed to your like". I told her, I didn't want her to change, not a bit. She was just the perfect girl for me. But that she changed since she got to Spain. And she replied. Something that broke me in two:" I just can't handle this anymore. Instead of being happy with you, I spend my afternoon crying because we cannot solve our problems like we used to before. I think we should leave things like this, and just move on with our lives. I want to leave with a good, happy memory of you." I told her there was no need on us breaking up. We could work things up. I told her I loved her more than what she could ever imagine. I told her we should give us one more chance to work things up. But she just kept on saying she thought that nothing would ever change, that she didn't know how long she was going to wait for me. So that she had a solid answer.
    I told her that I would always love her, and that I couldn't change her thoughts, so if that was what she really wanted, then there was nothing more to say..
    We said Good-bye to each other and blah blah blah...

    Since that day, I haven't been the same guy. I really miss her like you have no idea. There’s just emptiness inside me I can't fill with nothing.
    I really want her, but I just don't know the words to speak to her anymore. I was really in love with her. I loved her, well; I love her so damn much.

    I tried moving on, but I just can't. She's my first thought in the morning, and my last thought in the nights, I just can't stop thinking about her..

    This month has been the hardest in my life. I've wrote songs, I've wrote poems, but they just don't fill that emptiness I'm feeling..

    It's been very interesting reading your blog. You're somehow alike with me.

    It's good to see people share their experiences, sincerely,

    Carlos Maldonado.

    1. Disregard my question to the other response...

      Wow. I can't even say how sorry I am to hear that. That's just.... whew..... sad. But you know what, I guarantee you that if you guys are meant to be, fate will bring you together again. And if not, then there is somebody even better who is yet to come into your life. I used to feel like that towards my ex, but then Maria came into my life and took all that pain away and ended up being the love of my life. Look at it this way, there are around 7 billion people in the world.... there is more than a 100% chance you will find at least one of those people who changes your life and becomes the one. There is someone for everyone and it takes faith to believe that. Have optimism and things will come to you. Make it so that there is no option for failure. You just have to push towards your dreams if they mean that much to you. And if that girl IS the love of your life, chase after her man. Give what you can to prove to her your undying love and devotion. Fate will decide what's right for you.

      Thank you so much for checking out my blog. It means a lot and I hope you stick with it because I'll be doing an LDR post every tuesday in hopes that it gives people like you and others hope.

      Thanks for sharing your story, it was very powerful. You seem like a guy with his head in the right direction.

      Sincerely, Derick Collins

  3. You're right, if it's meant to be, fate will somehow bring us back together. And if it's not, well, as you said before: There are 7 billion people in the world, so I shouldn't be worrying about that.

    I really do like your blog, it's very nice.

    I wish the best for you and Maria. I hope you both get to see each other soon.

    I'll watch your blog daily I guess. It's good knowing from someone that's been through the same experience.

    I'll keep in touch,

    Carlos Maldonado

    1. Thanks man. I appreciate that.

      I'm definitely working towards being able to see her.

      And yeah, I'd definitely like to keep in touch. You and I seem to have some of the same views. And it's nice to have someone to talk to who has/is in the same boat.

  4. And you know what? I will fight for her. I will show her my unconditional love, I don't know how though, but I will (by any chance you know how could I start with haha. I got no idea).

    1. I would say to contact her and be upfront and honest about how you feel.

      Say something like, "Look, I know you feel we won't work out, but I think that with love, anything is possible. If you want something bad enough, how can anything stop you from reaching it?" (Obviously not in my words, but along those lines.)

  5. Sorry I didn't reply since January 21st. I was pretty busy.

    How's everything going?

    1. It's alright. Everything is going pretty good. If you've kept up with my Blog, you'll know I got a second job. I'm really going to start saving for my trip to go see my girlfriend.

      Did you talk to Andrea at all about how you felt?
