Skateboarding, Long Distance Relationship, Music, and other randomness

Thursday, January 3, 2013

LDR Tuesday: (Sorry it's late) Why our relationship is so strong.

So because Maria is essentially half of the subject of these posts, I asked her to pick a topic about what to write about. She wanted the topic at hand to be about the strength of our relationship and what steps we've gone through to get this strong. Here goes...

The strength of our relationship basically developed from when we had broke up. We did break up at one point because her parents forced us. It was the hardest thing we'd both endured thus far so after about a week, we got back together secretely because the pain was too much for either of us to handle. We've been together since. So there was a long period of time we were talking through email during her study hall period at school. Then a little while later, we started talking on facebook. Her dad had found out. He was upset but didn't actually tell us to quit talking.... but we felt it was best to just keep it secret more so we talked only through email or texting. Somehow again we got caught. We decided to only text keeping it secret further. AGAIN, we got caught but at that point her dad realized how devoted we were to stay together so he made the decision to let us talk an hour on the phone each night to keep from deceit. We got a bit greedy one night and were texting. Her mom found the messages the next day and she got grounded for a bit. We then got our privileges back. We got to talk for quite awhile and things were going really great for us. She started to have doubts about why she means so much to me, why I love her beyond what any guy has. I was doing everything I could to prove to her why she's who I intend on making my wife someday, why she's so damn important to me, and why I love her beyond what words can even express. That doubt lead her to making a mistake (That I won't mention because it's to stay between her and I). It has caused her a lot of pain in herself even though I forgive her completely. I know it caused us to become stronger. It caused us to be unable to talk for a month so far. After about 2 weeks, we couldn't take not talking and we've been emailing at all the chances we get and she gets her phone and laptop back around the 8th. (We've been emailing via her friend's Ipod) So I'm super excited to hear her voice again and get to video chat..... I miss her beautiful eyes and smile. :)

So throughout this time we've been emailing, a lot of serious conversations have developed. We've become more honest with eachother, we've told eachother things we want in the future, and we've been there for eachother when times were rough.

There's really nothing her and I can't work out. We have a rare relationship where we work through our problems instead of giving up. Giving up doesn't show devotion, it shows a lack of care and that the love there wasn't really real. We are SO devoted to eachother and that's why we work out everything. We want more than anything to make it and so far it hasn't failed us, and nor will it. We have a connection and love for eachother that is far beyond the "norm." I love her so much and she loves me, and it's nice to say that she does and be 100% confident of that. :)

AGAIN, if you have any questions? Comments? Advice? Or need of advice? Don't hesitate to comment. I'd be happy to discuss whatever it is you are talking/questioning about.

P.S. I love you Maria! Hope you liked the post about your topic. :)

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