Skateboarding, Long Distance Relationship, Music, and other randomness

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Saturday Post: Being true to yourself (and other things)

This is going to be a more serious post this week. I like to help people who are in need of a friend or someone to talk to. I've had several instances where a friend or even an acquaintance has been depressed or having suicidal thoughts and I've been able to help them out of it. My goal for this is to convince those of you who are struggling through depression and hurt, that life can always get better and that being yourself and being optimistic will always make you feel better.

I have a lot of experience in being depressed. There were times where I felt like I couldn't do anything because of all the emotions flooding in. The best way to find something to cope with that, is to find an outlet, find that ONE thing that can make you happy or at least feel a little better. It can be a simple thing like listening to music or drawing. Mine is skateboarding. I've found that it can solve any painful point in life because it's something I'm very passionate about. If you find an outlet that you enjoy but aren't necessarily good at it (if it were something like playing guitar or drawing), it doesn't matter. It's supposed to make you feel better.... if you sit there and compare your work to others, it's not going to help at all. The whole point of having an outlet is to feel good about what you're doing and not letting anything distract you from that. The reason for the outlet is to redirect your attention from the pain you are feeling, to something more fun and productive.

A lot of times though, people may not be able to find an outlet because they can't find something that CAN actually redirect their attention. Sometimes depression can get the best of you depending on what it is you are depressed about. Common things are; trying to feel accepted, losing a girlfriend/boyfriend, people being mean to you, etc. I'll try to tackle each of these problems in the easiest way possible....

Not Feeling Accepted: This is a common problem with us teens, as we try to find ourselves and where we fit in. Unfortunately, human nature is to judge somebody first before getting to know them. The best way to get rid of the unaccepted feeling is to love yourself for who you are. Who cares what negative things others say about you? Everyone is unique to themselves and it's what separates us. If everybody was the same, think of the monotonous boring world we'd live in. One doesn't NEED to be accepted if they are proud of who they are. However, no matter what... you'll always be excepted by at least 1 person and most likely more than that because in all reality, there is 7 billion people in the world, you are bound to find somebody who accepts you. And also, it's not vital to have a lot of friends. Having even just one close friend can make all the difference. It's better to have 1 person who actually cares about you than a bunch of people who pretend to care.

Losing a gf/bf: For some people, it's like the end of the world. You were in a loving relationship with somebody, and then it's over in the blink of an eye. You may feel like you can never have as good of a relationship as the one you had. This is never the case. I used to think like that too, but there's a saying that states, "One day, there will be that one person who comes along and makes you realize why it never worked with anyone else" (Or along those lines). Again to my statement in the "not feeling accepted portion", there is around 7 billion people in the world, you are bound to find 1 person who loves you endlessly. If you've been keeping up with my LDR posts, I had that happen to me. I was distraught when my ex and I broke up and I felt like relationships would always be a burden from then on, but that was until I met Maria. She made all that pain go away and is the girl I'm going to marry someday. So with that said, it's no use being too upset about a break-up. Love comes to those who are patient. And there will always be someone for everyone.

People Treating You Harshly: No matter what, there will always be people who are going to treat you like dirt, like somebody who is below them. It's a sad fact. But if they are not physically harming you, there's no reason to be upset. If they can't be nice to you when you've done nothing wrong to them, it shows their lack of compassion. A lot of the times, there's something within themselves that they don't like or somebody treats them badly, so they try to take it out on somebody "weaker" than them. To defeat that, simply just shrug it off. Words only do so much damage. You can destroy a person's psyche by ignoring their ignorance. If you show that you don't care about the mean things they have to say, you are winning. They aren't getting their gratification from making you upset and eventually they'll see how ineffective it is and stop. It won't do any good to them being mean to you if you simply don't care. So next time somebody is verbally harassing you, look them in the eyes and say to them, "Cool... That's your opinon.... it doesn't affect me any" with a smile on your face the whole time. It'll destroy them psychologically.

Suicidal Thoughts: Life is not always easy. In fact, there's probably more hardships than good things that happen. But that's why humans are designed to live so long (aside from accidental causes of death like car wrecks and stuff). You can take the bad things in life and learn from them. Take a different path and make your life better. Back to the outlet part... outlets can really get you out of the negative  groove you're in. Everybody will find one thing that they actually love to do and use that to your advantage. I believe that suicide is just a sense of giving up. You give up before things can get better when in reality, they always will, no matter what. Optimism is a key factor in allowing life to get better. With optimism, you have more of a set path you are going because subconsciously, you push for it. The more optimistic you are, the more likely you will be to obtain something.... this is because you don't give the option for failure. You'll find that chasing after the things you want in life... even if they are small things.... will get you on the fast track to happiness. Stick to a goal and put it in motion. But also, and this is going to sound a little bit harsh, suicide is kind of a sense of selfishness. Whether you believe it or not, there will always be at least one person who loves you and killing yourself only leaves them behind. It makes them sad and nobody likes to be sad. You gain nothing from suicide. Your life is over and that's it, no more laughing with people, no more doing fun things, no vacations, no more playing games with family, no chance at finding an amazing girlfriend who loves you for all that you are, not of that.... it's gone forever. You miss out on the things that can eventually get better EVEN IF it takes time.... but there is plenty of time. Find ways to occupy that wait in the meantime.

That's essentially all that I feel needs to be said. I hope I helped. Remember that life isn't always bad. You gotta give time to allow it to get better and not all people are bad either, there will always be good people in the world. You have to meet them to find them instead of judging right away. I met some amazing friends who I would've otherwise judged for the way they act if I hadn't actually got to know them.

<--- Be like this happy guy in a sea of sad people. :)

Have a good day! :)

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