Skateboarding, Long Distance Relationship, Music, and other randomness

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Music Wednesday: the band "Bruised But Not Broken"

Holy crap.... I'm actually remembering to do my music wednesday post this week. I've only done one and it bums me out. Music is definitely a big part of me.

So I'm going to cover the band Bruised But Not Broken. They are quite an underground band that I only discovered a few months ago. They are a metal-core/Ambient band out of Charlotte, NC. They formed in 2009. I was just clicking through the music portion of YouTube and they were somewhere within the many pages of music. I heard their song Just (Defied) Sin and really enjoyed it. It has a great mixture of high, low, and mid screams and even some dubstep. I have never liked low screams but for some reason, this band is an exception. I am making this post because they definitely deserve to be out there. They are very talented.

The members are:

Hudson Hower : Vocals
Matt Bentley : Drums
Stevie D : Guitar
Alex Downs : Guitar
Seth Brown : Bass
Intense video cap from their song "Born and Razed"

 Right now, they only have an EP titled "Just (Defied)". It has five songs which are as follows;

1. Born and Razed
2. The Master and His Daughter
3. Miss Fortune
4. Just (Defied) Sin
5. A Starving Clock Comes Back For Seconds

The song to the right, is "Just (Defied) Sin" which is the song I discovered them by. I really enjoy their music and I hope you do too.

I find this song to be very intense. I merely just discovered it today as I write this post. It's called "The Master and His Daughter"

I hope you take a listen to this band, if you are into this style of music, you'll definitely enjoy it. They are very talented. Here is their facebook page.... definitely give it a like.

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