Skateboarding, Long Distance Relationship, Music, and other randomness

Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday Skateboarding: Heath Ledger [surprisngly] was a skateboarder.

So this surprised me a lot. I had found a picture on "" of Heath Ledger skateboarding over Christian Bale. And what's cool about it, is the fact that it looks like it could be a well executed heelflip.

Here's the photo...

Some argue that the board is photo shopped in and it seems logical, however, Ledger is known to be an actual skateboarder. Here is some more proof of photos...

Just cruising on a skateboard.

Ok, grant it... this is a longboard, but it still kinda counts.

He also played in the movie, "Lords of Dogtown." The movie is a biographical film about the Z-boys who were an influential group of skateboarders. The film was written by the great Stacy Peralta. Heath Ledger played as Skip Engblom. He was very congratulated at how well he played the position of Engblom. The film was released in 2005.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find an individual scene of him skateboarding in "Lords of Dogtown" but I found a scene with him and other people. He's the one with the short blonde hair, black shirt over a gray shirt. I'm not 100% on this, but I heard that he actually did do his own skateboarding in that scene.

I found it to be surprising and interesting that he was a skateboarder. I just wanted to give it a share. He was also known to be a surfer, of course.... it's not surprising coming from an Australian.

R.I.P Heath. You were a great actor and awesome skater (from what I could see)

Hope you enjoyed this post...

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