Skateboarding, Long Distance Relationship, Music, and other randomness

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

LDR Tuesday: Valentines Day?

I realized this week that there is really nothing significant that has happened, NOT that it's a bad thing because things have been going absolutely amazing for Maria and I.

Getting to talk on the phone every day certainly makes me overjoyed. I've become really happy the last week or so because just getting to hear her voice makes everything a million times better. I've been super stressed with trying to get my second job all situated but she helps reduce some of the stress and makes me happy. I'm just so lucky to have her, that's really the jist of it. :)

Anyways, so Valentines is coming up. Her school does this thing where you can get this slip of paper to have a note delivered to someone of your choice, a cute message of sorts. Because I'm not there [obviously] Maria asked if I could fill one out, I said absolutely! I had planned on sending her a letter for Valentines day anyways... and so the slip is a bonus. The only thing I'll give away in the letter, without giving TOO much away (In case she sees this post.... which is very likely cause she looks at it every day almost... :P) is that in the letter, I put a portion about how she shouldn't get discouraged about seeing the happy couples together on Valentines day because they will never have the amount of passion and love her and I have. Statistically, not many high school relationships last. But with Maria, it's different.... we know what things we want out of life, we know how we connect with eachother, we know that our love and promises are genuine, and lastly... we just know we want to spend the rest of our lives together. We both mean far too much to eachother to not make it. We strive so hard to stay together and that why despite EVERYTHING we've been put through, we've pushed through and made it out stronger than before, and plus, we don't take promises lightly. So I just essentially wanted her to know in that portion of the letter that even though I'm not with her for V-day, I still love her and connect with her beyond those other couples.

I guess I ended up having more content than I thought I would. :P

So that's LDR Tuesday this week. Maria, I love you sweetheart... don't get discouraged. ok?


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